
Back Pain / Sciatica

One of the most common complaints we hear about and treat is lower back pain.

Back pain

One of the most common complaints we hear about and treat is lower back pain. There are multiple reasons why you are suffering from back pain; Our therapist’s here at SJ Sports Therapy are trained to determine when you should be treated and when you should be referred to your doctor. Most of the time, spinal mobilisations, massage therapy and rehabilitation work can be a good way to deal with your symptoms and relieve your pain. 

A lot of people who have back pain will often find other ways to complete tasks and avoid using their lower back, often unintentionally. The inability to incorporate movements at this level can result in additional issues with your back in the future. Making sure you are aware of the movements and incorporating them back into your daily routine will be an important part of your treatment. Your therapist will be familiar with these particular movements and will accompany your massage treatment with some exercises.


Sciatica is a nerve pain that begins in the buttocks/glute area. Depending on the degree of irritation to the nerve, people typically describe sciatic pain in a variety of ways, including sharp, shooting, burning, electric, or stabbing. The sciatica has five nerve routes; Three come from the sacrum which is the final part of the spine, and the other two are from the lower back. They end just below the knee and pass through the buttocks, hips, and down the leg

The onset of sciatica pain can occur abruptly or over time.Degenerative disc disease, lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis (a spinal condition in which vertebrae can slip over one another), pregnancy, and muscles spasm in the body’s trunk are all potential causes of sciatic nerve pain.

Sciatica is another condition that a lot of clients suffer with. Our therapist’s at SJ Sports Therapy are trained to determine when you should be treated and when you should be referred to your doctor.