
Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation

During joint mobilisation and manipulation, a bone or vertebrae is moved to improve your range of motion and alleviate pain, tension, and stiffness.

What is joint mobilisation and manipulation? 

During joint mobilisation and manipulation, a bone or vertebrae is moved to improve your range of motion and alleviate pain, tension, and stiffness. Joint mobilisation and manipulation can be used to treat issues with soft tissues and joints using a variety of pressures. Soft tissue mobilisations loosen tight muscles and reduce pain levels. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the connective tissue known as fascia are all considered to be soft tissues. A muscle’s strength and range of motion can be improved through mobilisations. At SJ Sports Therapy our therapists frequently treat a variety of conditions with joint and soft tissue mobilisations.

Tight muscles, pain from an injury, and joint stiffness are all instances in which joint and soft tissue mobilisations can be used. Mobilisations can raise the temperature of the soft tissues and trigger a relaxation response. To effectively loosen and stretch the tissues, it is important to raise the temperature of the muscles.

What are the advantages of Joint mobilisation and manipulation?

Joint mobilisation and manipulation can assist in elongating and stretching the muscle fibers, which improves flexibility. This is essential for maintaining movement around a joint and preventing injuries. A joint can become immobile as a result of strains and pulls caused by tight muscles. By increasing the temperature, blood flow, and elasticity of the tissue, mobilisations ease tight muscles which can help you to avoid injuries and perform better in sports.

Advantages of joint mobilisation and manipulation: