
Dry Cupping

masseur using cupping therapy on her client 2023 04 26 21 11 25 utc Dry Cupping

What is dry cupping?

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative therapy that originated in the ancient cultures of China, Egypt, and the Middle East. Therapists use glass, bamboo, or silicone cups to create suction on the skin during cupping therapy.

The cups are placed over a number of areas on your body during dry cupping to create a vacuum that lifts the soft tissue and causes the muscle and its associated fascia to stretch upward. This vacuum lift contributes to an increase in blood flow and causes a stretch effect, reducing muscle tension and pain. Cups will either be moved or left in a static position to provide a deep tissue massage effect during dry cupping therapy. Cupping therapy’s static movement applications work in conjunction with sports, deep tissue, and dry needling therapies. 

What are the advantages of Dry Cupping?

The soft tissue will experience microtrauma and layer separation as a result of the vacuum effect the dry cupping has. The body’s natural healing response to this micro-trauma is to initiate an inflammatory response. The body starts to heal by releasing chemicals like white blood cells, platelets, and fibroblasts at this stage. Finally, the muscle relaxes as a result of the stretch in the soft tissue and fascia, resulting in improved range of motion and performance.

  • Reduces pain and discomfort
  • Increases localised circulation
  • Removes stagnant blood and waste products
  • Initiates the healing process