

ultrasound in physical therapy treatment of shoul 2021 08 26 16 53 18 utc Ultrasound

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound is an electrotherapy treatment that reduces cellular inflammation and promotes healing. Ultrasound produces mechanical sound waves which then produce energy. As these mechanical sound waves enter the skin, they cause tiny vibrations in the cells which in turn improves tissue healing, reducing the level of pain and inflammation. Ultrasound is a painless treatment and is used to speed up the healing process. 

During your treatment at SJ Sports Therapy, an ultrasound head is placed on the affected area with a specialised gel which ensures maximum contact with the skin, the ultrasound head is then slowly moved during treatment around the affected area. 

What are the advantages of using Ultrasound

Both acute and chronic conditions can benefit from ultrasound. Soft tissue injuries like muscle tears and ligament sprains are frequently treated with ultrasound. Depending on the type of injury or condition, ultrasound can be pulsed or continuous, and its frequency varies with tissue depth.

  • Reduction in pain
  • Speed up healing
  • Painless
  • Can help with scars